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Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Value of Jewish Life


My parents and I were watching the news last night and one of the top stories was about the "escalation of fighting" in Israel. The US is calling for a cessation of the attacks; the EU is calling for a cessation of the attacks; the UN is calling for a cessation of the attacks; the whole world is calling for a cessation of the attacks. Isn't that just sweet and lovely? All these peace-loving people showering the world with love?

Only one problem -- where was the worldwide outcry when, almost the moment that Ariel Sharon (ימח שמו) handed over our beautiful Gush Katif it became a Hamas stronghold and a missile launching pad to shower down missiles on populated areas of Israel in a relentless war against civilians. Instead of having peace for a unilateral withdrawal we got war and more war. Where was the worldwide outcry when three Israeli boys (yes boys), civilians all, walking home from school, were kidnapped? Where was the worldwide outcry weeks later when their murdered bodies were found? And where IS the worldwide outcry when Israel, far from bombing civilians, is warning civilians to leave the area because they will be bombing the missile launchers and other military targets, is dealing with bombings on civilian populations?

I find it amazing (though after all the Antisemitic, anti-Israel bilgewater I've had to deal with over the past 40 or so years you'd think I'd be used to it) that the world is so bent on Israel making unilateral concessions to the terrorists (not, CBS News, militants) for a peace that is tenuous at best, non-existant being more realistic. 

To Obama, the EU and the UN (and everyone else on the "peace" bandwagon) don't you know who these terrorists ARE? They want you, too. They have been murdering Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., their own women and gays, anyone who isn't "one of them" all along. This doesn't seem to make the news either. One Palestinian teen is murdered and the world is up in arms (not that it shouldn't be, just that the world is rather unbalanced in its outrage). Hundreds of Jews are killed and there is silence. Silence, that is, until we fight back. 

I am thrilled that Bibi (Prime Minister Netanyahu) is finally fighting back. I am thrilled that our people are finally saying enough is too much. 

And I hope it continues. I hope G-d gives strength to the IDF and the Israeli people. I hope G-d protects them and all Jews in the world. I hope G-d watches over all the "voices in the forest" who are speaking out FOR Israel. And I hope G-d helps us root out all the evil and leave the world a better and safer and truly peaceful place.

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