When did cartoons become so nasty? When did it become ok to project the worst prejudices and the worst lies by hiding behind "art"?
I find it amazing that the "Ethnically/Culturally/Linguistically Identical to every other group of Arabs" commonly referred to as "Palestinians" have managed to pump up the propaganda machine to such an extent that a previously respected in my mind political cartoonist like Oliphant actually believes that Israel protecting her citizens from murdering terrorists is equal to Nazis murdering innocent people (6 million of which were Jews). Personally, I wish that Israel had such a find propaganda machine. I wish Israel could even get people to believe the truth, never mind how well the "Ethnically/Culturally/Linguistically Identical to every other group of Arabs" commonly referred to as "Palestinians" (led, now, by Hamas, but, to be honest, Fata is no better and Abbas is just Arafat in a suit) has gotten the world to believe that:
- They and not the Jews are the true heirs of Abraham, and, therefore, the true guardians of Israel
- Israel, "tiny little 14 million in population vs. 1 billion Muslims" Israel, is the aggressor
- The world needs to send them money so they can build an infrastructure (when all of the money the world is sending them goes NOT to building an infrastructure or helping their lied to, inculcated, death loving, oppressed people to survive but to murdering still more Jews and Gentile Israelis)
I have news for you, phony "Liberals" out there. The terrorist conglomerate of the world won't spare you simply because you defend them and hate Israel. The terrorist conglomerate of the world won't spare you simply because you send them extortion money. The terrorist conglomerate of the world won't leave you alone because you create and the support the creation of anti-Jewish anti-Israel political cartoons or op-ed pieces. You will be swept up too if you don't fight back. You will be put in the position of having to defend your body from their invasion. And you will be next.
We Jews are the "canary in the coal mine". We are the ones who get attacked first, but, mark my work, just like Hitler started with the Jews and moved on to other groups (gays, gypsies, political enemies, etc.) the terrorist conglomerate of the world will too. Oh, wait, they already have. They've moved on to Movie goers in Mumbai, night club patrons in Bali, British diplomats in Istanbul, train riders in Madrid, school children in Beslan, Russia, and, of course, World Trade Center and Pentagon workers and hijacked airplane passengers in New York and Washington.
When are the people of the world going to wake up to the threat posed by the media's continued attacks on Israel and support of terrorists? When are the people of the world going to realize their lives are in danger? When are the people of the world going to stand up and be counted for democracy, freedom and equality?
I don't know when that day will come. Oliphant and his anti-Jewish cartoon, perpetuating the myth that Israel is like Nazi Germany in any way, is just another nail in the world's coffin. Please don't allow yourself to be an accessory to the murder of Western culture and Democratic society.
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Strong Biblical Women 2